Aren’t rapes a result of unchecked repression?

Anirudh Bhardwaj
1 min readSep 12, 2021

I mean am I forgetting something here? Am I wrong here? Then why are we not seeing rapes as that? A misplaced aggression. Isn’t mob violence the same, but communal? Then why do we see rapes, especially the rapes happening in India as anything other than that? We have a community that shames people for having sexual thoughts, has no sex education, doesn’t allow for equal integrity and dignity of life and choice and doesn’t even allow any passive ways to satisfy/mitigate urges or aggression. Men masturbate in corners. Because they can’t have sex. Because they want to feel loved. Because they want to feel they have some power and control in their lives. That’s the real reason. Are we teaching anyone to express themselves with any level of responsibility? When the government itself allows for bile from their own party workers to spill all over the internet? Or even fuck the government, they are known to be bottom feeders, what are individuals doing? Why are people not seeing rapes as a social and psychological problem, rather than just men not controlling themselves? It’s terrible. For the victims, who had no fucking say in any of it. And it needs to be dealt with. Because a lot of repercussions of repression aren’t just rapes. They can be much worse. And they will be.


